Friday, 3 February 2012

Style- Parodic

A paradic advert is something that makes fun of a well known film, TV show or famous icons. They do this so you can relate the product to it and suggesting that if you like this type of film, TV show or famous icon you'll love this product. The kinect Star Wars advert makes fun in a famous part of Star Wars and gives it sense of humour to it so that if you like this advert and what its making fun off then you'll like this product. In the advert Darth Vader meets up with Obi wan kenobi for a final showdown between them both where Obi wan kenobi sacrifices himself to save Luke Skywalker and others. In the advert the person playing Obi wan kenobi makes fun of Darth Vader and seeing as in the film he is a feared chracter he is made to look like a fool in the advert. This goes well because Star Wars is a famous film and the product being advertised is made to look fun suggesting the game is fun.

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